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ಕೃಷ್ಣ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಿ - Krishna Shastry
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Parivalakka’s Delivery – Part 3


Day 2: Eggs united

I was wondering why 2 eggs are at a distance. I could also see that Parivalakka was incubating only the new egg and started wondering if she had discarded the first one for some reason – maybe due to less incubation the egg already became dead, I thought.

But towards end of the day I saw that she had moved both the eggs together at one corner.

Here is a picture of her incubating the eggs. As you can see, she seems quite anxious and ready to fly any moment, or if she senses any danger.

Day 2: Continued concerns

Parivalakka incubated the eggs only for few minutes here and there during second day also, and worst – she didn’t return on that evening too. We observed till around 11pm and she was not to be seen. We didn’t know what to interpret, and decided to wait and watch.

Day 3: New place for the eggs

On Day 3 morning Parivalakka was back and we observed that the eggs are now shifted to another corner of the pot. It seemed like she tried to move around the eggs slightly so that their entire surface gets proper heat. However, during the entire day Parivalakka was still very restless and anxious.

Parivalakka even tried to bring in some twigs, as though she wanted to create a proper nest. But she dropped the idea very soon. It was amusing.

That night Parivalakka stayed during the night, incubating the eggs.

Day 4: Eggs moved to center of the pot

On day 4 morning we observed that the eggs have been moved to the center of the pot. Parivalakka’s male partner (Parivalanna) also started visiting more often, I still didn’t get a picture of him yet.

Day 5: Serious Business

By now, Parivalakka had become bolder and didn’t mind us peeking from the window :-) She stayed in the pot-nest most of the time during the day and night, incubating the eggs. She was not quite relaxed and didn’t look anxious.

More later, in coming days.


Anonymous said...

This is almost as good as the web cam on the bald eagles nest in Iowa.... I watched for days on end waiting for the 3 eagles to hatch... then watched them feed and eventually fly off and leave the nest after about 7 weeks total watching in amazement.

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